Digital Dudz T-Shirt – Freaking Awesome! - No Amazonas é Assim
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Manaus, AM, Quinta-Feira, 02 de Maio de 2024


Digital Dudz T-Shirt – Freaking Awesome!



All you need to know about these Digital Dudz T-shirts! Where to buy it, how it costs and how it works! This article will simplify your life and open your eyes to the future 🙂 Even if these t-shirts were made last year…

Camiseta Interativa Animada

Camiseta Interativa Animada

The company responsable for that is the MorphSuits (based in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom). They ‘gained’ notoriety after the release of some videos on Youtube showing those interactive t-shirts, specially to Halloween. Due to the exclusivity of shirts, videos quickly spread on social networks…

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How does it work?

The operation of these shirts with eye twitching is very simple, just have a smartphone with a fairly large screen and Android or iOS system. After buying a shirt, just visit the online store of the operating system on your smartphone and download the appl to the animation of the eyes (or whatever you want).

Camiseta Interativa Animada Digital Dudz

The shirt comes with a sort of pocket underneath the pattern, and with a hole at the location of eyes. With this, you just need to put your smartphone in the pocket with the screen facing out.

Camiseta Interativa Animada Digital Dudz

Downloading the App is free, you only pay for the shirts. What does this mean? It means that YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE your own t-shirt, if you want it!
To download the APP for Iphone and Ipod visit: Digital Dudz Link
To download the APP for Android visit: Digital Dudz Link

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How much and where can I buy them?

These t-shirts are sold by Digital Dudz on site, which is a virtual costume shop. In addition to the shirts that site sells other types of digital costumes such as masks and full costumes.
The price of shirts is currently $ 25, and masks around $ 50.

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Check it out the Digital Dudz T-Shirt – Freaking Awesome!

Via : LabCriativo

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