The Legend of Rasga Mortalha: The Owl that Announces Death in Amazon! - No Amazonas é Assim
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Manaus, AM, Quarta-Feira, 08 de Maio de 2024

Legends & Folklore

The Legend of Rasga Mortalha: The Owl that Announces Death in Amazon!



The Legend of Rasga Mortalha: The Owl that Announces Death in Amazon!

Do you know this amazon legend? it’s very popular here! If you like it, share with your friends! The legend of Rasga Mortalha tells the story of a girl named Suindara who died due to pure malice, prejudice, and envy.

The Legend of Rasga Mortalha: The Owl that Announces Death in Amazon!

The Legend of Rasga Mortalha: The Owl that Announces Death in Amazon!

Rasga Mortalha releases its terrifying cries whenever someone is close to death, creating a superstition of bad omens. In the North and Northeast of Brazil, people fear the presence of Rasga Mortalha hovering over their homes.

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