Sao Sebastiao Square Cultural - House of the arts - No Amazonas é Assim
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Manaus, AM, quarta, 12 de fevereiro de 2025

Cultural Highlights

Sao Sebastiao Square Cultural – House of the arts



Inaugurated on September 21, 2004 as a part of the cultural actions of the State Government through the Secretariat for Culture, the Sebastião Square Cultural Center  has as its objective to offer the population a diversified space for temporary exhibitions, featuring the themes of the festivals carried out by the Secretariat for Culture.

The real state where the House of the Arts is now located is one of the oldest constructions of the São Sebastião Square; it is also used as a support area for shows.


Sadurday and Sunday from 05:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Tuesday and Friday from 06:00 pm to 09:00 pm
10m from the Palace of Justice Cultural Center
5m from the Amazonas Opera House


Rua José Clemente, 564 – Centro
Telephone: ( 92) 3631-6227
Cep: 69010-070 – Manaus- Amazonas

Sao Sebastiao Square Cultural - House of the arts

Sao Sebastiao Square Cultural – House of the arts

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