Court House Cultural Center - No Amazonas é Assim
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Manaus, AM, quarta, 12 de fevereiro de 2025

Cultural Highlights

Court House Cultural Center



Court House Cultural Center

The Court House Cultural Center established an initiative of the Judiciary and Executive power throught the Secretariat of Culture. this is the new use of the traditional palace Clovis Bevilacqua, headquarters of the legal Amazon, whose construction began in 1894 under President Eduardo Ribeiro. Opened on April 21, 1900, in the governement of José Cardoso Ramalho júnior being President of the Court of Appeals the Judge Cesar Rego Monteiro. Up to April 2006  it worked as headquarters of the judiciary. There  it is now oerformed extensive and ecletic cultural program with exhibitions of art, theater, music, reading, specializing in classic legal works and moot court, held by students, bilingual and guided visits for tourists, students and comunity. They are open to the public: a sovenir shop, coffee, and visitis to tradicional rooms of the palace, as the President´s Office, Court and others.


Av. Eduardo Ribeiro, nº. 833 – Centro
69.025-140 Manaus-Amazonas-Brasil
Phone.: (092) 3248-1844


Tuesday to Friday 1 pm to 5 pm
Sunday  5 pm to 9 pm

Court House Cultural Center

Court House Cultural Center

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